Monday, August 2, 2010

2010 - new experience

leaving my company that I had been worked for 1.5 years. leaving my comfort zone, good pay salary... .... reason is to achieve my dream....

i know this is a long way to go ... and this way will not be easy .. in fact is very tough... and i know if i don't step out from here ... my dream will still far far away from me...

i understand that .... that might not the final destination however, if i don't take this step, i won't know how or ensure that what i want or what i don't want...

to know what i want ... therefore i must take the step ... no matter what's the ending... no regret!!

so ... what's else ... go ahead!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


當今日本的諷刺明星兼導演" 北野武",不久前又獲得一個電影的國際大獎。 幾年前,他的母親去世,他回故鄉去奔喪。 他一直不喜歡母親,因為她的母親一直不斷向這一個兒子要錢,只要他一個月沒有寄錢回家,母親就打電話對他破口大罵, 真是所謂的死要錢,而且" 北野武"越是出名,她母親就會索取越多的錢。

一天,老母親過逝了,回到老家之後,他還是忍不住的大哭一場,想到他自己一直在外面工作,沒有好好供養媽媽,雖然是 死要錢的媽媽,他還是覺得虧待自己的母親。 等辦完喪事," 北野武"正要離開家的時候,他的大哥把一個小包袱給了他,說:這是媽媽叫我一定要親自交給你的。

 北野武" 小心翼翼地打開小包袱,看到一本存摺與一封信,存款是用他的名義 ( 北野武) 開戶的,存款簿裡的金額高達數千萬日幣。 信中母親寫道 : 武兒,在這幾個兒女當中,我最擔憂的就是你,你從小就不喜歡唸書,又亂花錢,對朋友太慷慨,當你說要去 東京打拼時,我就很擔心你會變成一個落魄的窮光蛋,因此我每一個月,就從不間斷地跟你要錢寄回家,一方面可以刺激你去賺 更多的錢,另一方面也為了替你儲蓄;你給我的錢,我一毛都沒有花,你大哥一家人都把我養得好好的,你的錢就是你的錢, 現在就拿去好好利用吧! 看完了信,北野武哭倒在地上,久久站不起來...

 "王永慶" 曾經說過一句話:你賺的一塊錢不是你的一塊錢,你存的一塊錢才是你的一塊錢。 現在的經濟景氣越來越差,全世界都進入了三低的時代~~低成長、低利率、低所得;


Sunday, May 9, 2010

travelling vietnam...

know nothing about here till today ...

never thought of visit Vietnam before.. after this... i would to say that ... i am so happy living... well im gonna share more when im back to spore... got to update my blog here..

about how charming that Vietnam is and where should go and why should go...

and knowing how happy that you're ... cheers!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

sometime things happened out of your expectation...

... you might shocked, surprise... stunned... and not know of what to do...

but things always happen for reason.. you may discover it soon or later.. let's the answer comes to you and you might find it is how wonderful life is~