Friday, June 20, 2008

A Fen learns First Aids

I'm really interested in First Aid course, and I even volunteer to join the classes. I have on idea how this will be in mind. Yet I hope to learn, because I did met several cases before and I have on idea how can I do to make the casualty felt better. I hope after this classes I will learn something so at least I can handle the case if i met again in the future.

That is 2 days classes, I am excited about it. In the first day, we are taught in the common knowledges. Thereafter I realize that for so long I knew, they are many is wrong. How should we treat the casualty when cases happened to them. When a casualty met FITs we should not do anything to them and should not apply anything their mouth and should help them by call the ambulance (995) as soon as possible. 

The following day, I learn how o wrap bandages. Hahaha is hard in the first time, when you found the technic is much more easier. 

see my partner the uncle from engineering wrap my head. This way to wrap the head if the casualty's head bleeding. 

After 2 days classes completed, finally I went for the test and yes I have passed! After a month, I will receive my certificated! Congrats to me, is hard yet if happen, I will do my best.

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